Get Involved!
You can make a difference!
You can make a difference!
1. Pray with the Helpers of God’s Precious Infants at an abortion facility near you.
Pray with the Helpers of God’s Precious Infants at an abortion facility near you.
The Helper’s Prayer vigil is not a demonstration or protest. It is not even a time for debate or confrontation.
Why then do we go? What is the purpose?
We believe that God wants us to be at these places of death as living, loving witnesses to the world and our city that God is aware of what is happening there to His precious children and He is not pleased.
No one would ask why people pray at wakes or outside the door of intensive care units. Love and compassion impels people to be there.
2. 40 Days for Life is a world-wide pro-life campaign to pray for an end to abortion.
The 40 days of prayer, fasting and outreach takes place in Lent each year. During this time, there are always, by the grace of God, many turnarounds.
FLI has organised the peaceful and prayerful presence of 40 Days for Life in Sydney since 2010.
3. Be a pro-life witness and attend the annual “Day of the Unborn Child”.

4. Read the prophetic encyclical, Humanae Vitae published in 1968 by Pope Paul IV where he makes clear the Catholic Church’s teaching on life and the regulation of births.
A very interesting read. Pass it on to your family, friends, parish, or school.
5. Make an effort to find out more about post abortion grief – its symptoms and consequences.
Start by reading these two beautiful books by Anna Lastman, “Redeeming Grief” and Melinda Tankard Reist, “Giving Sorrow Words”
6. Offer Practical Support
The surest way to save a child is to support his/her mother; this is why we do not simply tell women to choose life, but help them to do so. Perhaps you’re able to offer emergency accommodation or financial support to a woman who has chosen life in difficult circumstances?

7. Wear a “Precious Feet” pin, or put a prolife bumper sticker on your car. The “Precious Feet” are a proven and loving way of reminding and informing people of the perfection of a child’s body at 10 weeks after conception. Contact Us to purchase your “Precious Feet”.

8. Carry a foetal model with you to show people that the baby is a person. The models are a surprise to most people, and have been known to save lives! Contact Us to purchase your foetal model.

9. Sign this petition to keep abortion out of United Nations Development Goals.
Live it
Everyone has something to offer, so, rather than telling volunteers what their contributions must be, we encourage you to consider your own gifts, your own circumstances, and the duties of your state in life.