Pray and Support us
to end Abortion
to end Abortion

Founded in 1989 by Monsignor Philip Reilly in USA, the Helpers of God’s Precious Infants are a group of volunteers committed to maintaining a loving and prayerful presence outside the abortion mills, where God’s children are put to death.
We unite ourselves with these little ones in the wombs of their mothers who will be brought there that day, and stay with them as their innocent blood is shed at these places of modern day Calvary.
The Helpers
in Sydney
continues Monsignor Reilly’s
dedication to end Abortion
in Sydney
dedication to end Abortion
Pray with the Helpers of God’s Precious Infants
at one of our prayer vigils.
at one of our prayer vigils.
The Helper’s Prayer vigil is not a demonstration or protest.
It is not even a time for debate or confrontation.
Why then do we go? What is the purpose?
We believe that God wants us to be at these places of death as living, loving witnesses to the world and our city that God is aware of what is happening there to His precious children and He is not pleased.
No one would ask why people pray at wakes or outside the door of intensive care units. Love and compassion impels people to be there.
“…All human beings, from their mothers’ womb, belong to God who searches them and knows them, who forms them and knits them together with his own hands, who gazes on them when they are tiny shapeless embryos and already sees in them the adults of tomorrow…”
(Pope John Paul II, Evangelium Vitae)
Our purpose is to be faithful to God and to save the physical lives of God’s precious infants through the spiritual conversion of their mothers. We offer our sacrifice and prayer in reparation for the sin of abortion and for the conversion of the mothers, fathers, doctors, and all those involved in the slaughter of the innocents.
We do not judge nor condemn each mother for what she is planning to do. We simply reach out to her with the love of Christ, and promise her both spiritual and material support and assistance if she should change her mind.

How do you sleep at night?
ABC interview with
Paul Hanrahan
Paul Hanrahan
Sydney & Albury
Prayer Vigils
Every 3rd Saturday of the month
Mass at 8:30am, St Peter’s Catholic Church
235 Devonshire st, Surry Hills
We follow Mass with a Rosary procession and Stations of the Cross around the streets of Surry Hills where we pray until 10.30am.
We then have a procession back to St Peters for Benediction followed by morning tea.
Special News
After 20+ years of prayerful vigils, the Fertility Control Clinic is now closed permanently.
Some words from
our Sidewalk Councellors
our Sidewalk Councellors
There are several ways you can do this:
By becoming a Counsellor or Prayer.
Counsellors are those who approach the woman going in to have the abortion and ask her to reconsider her decision.
The Prayers pray in the spirit of reparation, for their own sins, and the sin of abortion, particularly the deaths that will occur while they stand outside the abortion mill that day. They provide spiritual and moral support for the Counsellors.
The guidelines for all who participate in a Helpers Prayer Vigil are few and simple. We ask only that they keep the strict discipline of prayer. No talking to anyone until the vigil is complete. Disregard anyone shouting. Our Conversation is with God and our Blessed Lady.
For those who are physically unable to join the procession, there is Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament after Mass until Benediction. If you feel you are called to stand under the Cross of Christ in this special act of love for God’s Precious Infants – whether as a Counsellor or a Prayer.
Be a Helper of
God’s Precious Infants
God’s Precious Infants
Extract from a talk
given by Msgr. Reilly,
Founder of Helpers of God’s Precious Infants in the U.S.
“You go there for what purpose? To save the physical life of the child?
Not so. That’s gone.
You are going there for the purpose of salvation.
For the purpose of conversion.
You are going out here for the love of the mother.
You are going there for the conversion of the mother whether she has the abortion or not.
You are there for her salvation.
For the conversion of the abortionist.
You are going there with the mindset of John and Mary at the foot of the Cross.
To be Pro-life is to be with the mindset of Christ.
It is to be a victim with Christ at Calvary.
And what did Jesus do?
You and I lose our patience.
We want to end this thing immediately, like a lightning bolt.
But that’s not the mind of Christ. Before he would force us to do what He wants, He allows us to crucify Him because the long suffering of God is really interested in our eternal salvation.
He’s not interested in ending this immediately.
There is something much greater at stake here. It’s called immortal souls.
And so when we go, we have to practice the meekness and long suffering of God”.
Frequently Asked Questions
The Catholic Church in Sydney has given Helpers of God’s Precious Infants its full support. Our patron, Bishop Julian Porteous, has invited all parishes to participate in this fourth year of the Lenten Helpers of God’s Precious Infants campaign & events. There will also be a number of priests and religious giving their prayerful leadership at the vigil. Other Helpers of God’s Precious Infants campaigns around Australia establish their own local arrangements with the Church.
Yes it is. In Sydney we inform the local police and the location and boundaries are finalised with them and they assist with our street processions. Each person is also required to sign a Statement of Peace. Other campaigns around Australia make their own local arrangements with the Police.
Anybody who would like to pray with us to end abortion is most welcome. The only thing you need to bring is your prayerful, peaceful presence.
Just as Mary and John lovingly stood and prayed beneath Jesus’ Cross as he died, we wish to remain with these children in the hour that they are crucified. The Church has always accompanied the dying with prayer. We unite ourselves with these victims in solidarity with their pain, as they are put to death at this modern day Calvary. We pray in reparation for the injustice and we pray for their mothers, the forgotten victims of abortion. We also provide sidewalk counsellors and practical help to any mother considering abortion.
There are many people who want to be present at the vigil but can’t be there physically. They are spiritual helpers who contribute through offering prayers and sacrifices for the work of Helpers of God’s Precious Infants. These helpers can be children, sick, shut-ins and cloistered religious.
Your prayerful presence itself is a sign of God’s love that people witness, bringing light and life to a place of darkness and death. The Helpers of God’s Precious Infants team will have a sidewalk councellor for each session on the street who will pray the prayer group. If a passer-by approaches the group, the sidewalk councellor will take them aside to answer their questions. We ask that the prayers continue praying and not engage in any conversation or other communication with passer’s-by.
Prayer is an essential part of reaching out to mothers considering abortion. It is only with the Grace obtained through prayer that a mother’s heart can change. Christ is God’s answer to the world; being present on the street is bringing Christ to people. It is only through God that all things are made possible.
We help with accommodation, claiming social welfare, baby clothes, financial help, friendship, and more.
Since Helpers of God’s Precious Infants began: Thousands of people have participated in many countries with lives having been saved, abortion workers have quit and walked away from the industry, abortion facilities have shut down, and thousands of women and men have been spared from the tragic effects of abortion.
Helpers of God’s Precious Infants is organised by Family Life International Australia, and funded by the generous support of hundreds of supporters. Other Helpers of God’s Precious Infants campaigns around Australia have their own organising committee and means of funding.

Our Lady of Guadalupe
Our Lady of Guadalupe is our Pro-Life patroness. The power and source of our strength is through the intercession of our Blessed Mother.
The image of Our Lady is always present outside the abortuary.