Pray to end Abortion
in a Focused Pro-Life effort
in a Focused Pro-Life effort
Sydney 2017
28 February to 9 April
28 February to 9 April
40 Days for Life is a world-wide pro-life campaign to pray for an end to abortion. Over half a million people have prayed peacefully outside abortuaries to change hearts and save lives. We pray for both mother and child, as well as all those involved in the abortion industry.
Every year we pray
at 40 Days for Life
at 40 Days for Life
The 40-day campaign tracks Biblical history, where God used 40-day periods to transform individuals, communities, and the entire world!
From Noah in the flood to Moses on the mountain to the Disciples after Christ’s resurrection.
It’s a focused pro-life effort that consists
of three key areas of participation:
• 40 Days of prayer and fasting
• 40 Days of peaceful vigil
• 40 Days of community outreach
From February 28th – April 9th 2017, Sydney and other cities in Australia will be some of hundreds of cities around the world joining together for a ground-breaking & coordinated Lenten pro-life campaign 40 Days for Life.
When people respond to the invitation to participate in 40 Days For Life, babies lives are saved and parents who have changed their minds are profoundly grateful. HERE are two beautiful baby girls, Ashley and Maria whose lives were saved in past campaigns here in Sydney.
In 2017, Sydney was in its 7th year of hosting 40 Days For Life.
Apart from praying outside these terrible centers of death during Lent, through the Helpers of God’s Precious Infants, FLI also maintains a prayerful presence here 3 days a week in Sydney, and at many other times and places in other Australian cities.
Sydney 2017
40 Days for Life
40 Days for Life
Kick-off Event
February 28th – Shrove Tuesday
St Peter’s Catholic Church
(235 Devonshire st, Surry Hills)
6pm Mass celebrated by Bishop Anthony Randazzo
who will be joining the candle lit procession
to The Private Clinic abortuary, Surry Hills and Pancake Supper afterwards.
40 Days Begins!
March 1st – Ash Wednesday
Daily prayer vigils outside
The Private Clinic
120 Devonshire st, Surry Hills
Every day 7am – 7pm
All Night Adoration for Life
Every Fri & Sat 7pm – 7am
St Peter’s Church, Surry Hills
The Final Hour
April 9th – Palm Sunday
7pm Candle lit procession
from St Peter’s Catholic Church
to The Private Clinic, Surry Hills
8pm Benediction followed by
Victory Celebration

Frequently Asked Questions
The Catholic Church in Sydney has given 40 Days for Life its full support. Our patron, Bishop Julian Porteous, has invited all parishes to participate in this fourth year of the Lenten 40 Days for Life campaign & events. There will also be a number of priests and religious giving their prayerful leadership at the vigil. Other 40 Days campaigns around Australia establish their own local arrangements with the Church.
Yes it is. In Sydney we inform the local police and the location and boundaries are finalised with them and they assist with our street processions. Also our actual vigil location is across the road. Each person is also required to sign a Statement of Peace. Other campaigns around Australia make their own local arrangements with the Police.
Anybody who would like to pray with us to end abortion is most welcome. The only thing you need to bring is your prayerful, peaceful presence.
Just as Mary and John lovingly stood and prayed beneath Jesus’ Cross as he died, we wish to remain with these children in the hour that they are crucified. The Church has always accompanied the dying with prayer. We unite ourselves with these victims in solidarity with their pain, as they are put to death at this modern day Calvary. We pray in reparation for the injustice and we pray for their mothers, the forgotten victims of abortion. We also provide counselling by trained counsellors and practical help to any mother considering abortion.
There are many people who want to be present at the vigil but can’t be there physically. They are spiritual helpers who contribute through offering prayers and sacrifices for the work of 40 days for Life. These helpers can be children, sick, shut-ins and cloistered religious. There is also a 40 DFL prayer booklet available for people to pray along with at home. Please contact FLI to obtain a copy.
Your prayerful presence itself is a sign of God’s love that people witness, bringing light and life to a place of darkness and death. The 40 Days for Life team will have a shift co-ordinator for each session on the street who will co-ordinate the prayer group. If a passer-by approaches the group, the shift co-ordinator will take them aside to answer their questions. We ask that the prayers continue praying and not engage in any conversation or other communication with passer’s-by. We will also have trained counsellors at the abortion mill at specific times in order to engage the people entering.
Prayer is an essential part of reaching out to mothers considering abortion. It is only with the Grace obtained through prayer that a mother’s heart can change. Christ is God’s answer to the world; being present on the street is bringing Christ to people. It is only through God that all things are made possible.
We work closely with a pregnancy center. They offer free pregnancy testing, help with accommodation, claiming social welfare, baby clothes, financial help, friendship, and more.
Since 40 days for life began: Over 550,000 people have participated in 15 countries with nearly 7,000 lives having been saved that we know of, 75 abortion workers have quit and walked away from the industry, 25 abortion facilities have shut down, and thousands of women and men have been spared from the tragic effects of abortion.
40 Days for Life is organised by Family Life International Australia, and funded by the generous support of hundreds of supporters. Other 40 Days campaigns around Australia have their own organising committee and means of funding.
Photo Gallery
“… Never flag in zeal, be aglow with the Spirit, serve the Lord.
Rejoice in your hope, be patient in tribulation, be constant in prayer. ”
Romans 12:11,12
Rejoice in your hope, be patient in tribulation, be constant in prayer. ”
Romans 12:11,12